Nnimmo Bassey interview with Rob Stewart
Nnimmo Bassey from Friends of the Earth: Interview with Rob Stewart, Director of the movie Revolution
Nnimmo Bassey is the Executive Director of Environmental Rights Action in Nigeria and the Chair of Friends of the Earth International. Bassey first became an activist after oil conflicts with the Shell Petroleum Development Company escalated into a massacre in 1990, leaving 80 people dead and nearly 500 houses destroyed in the village of Umu Echem. Since then, he has become one of Africa’s leading advocates for the environment and human rights. Bassey has stood up against multinational corporations in his country and the environmental devastation they leave behind for both people and the planet.
Rob Stewart is the Director, Producer and Filmmaker behind the award-winning documentaries Sharkwater, which changed the way people around the world view sharks; and Revolution, about saving humanity and protecting the environment from threats such as carbon pollution that causes ocean acidification and climate change. An environmentalist, Stewart has also published two books – Sharkwater: An Odyssey to Save the Planet and his most recent, Save the Humans.