• Open Your Eyes

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    Learn about the greatest threats to our planet – and ourselves – and what you can do to help.

    • The Pygmy Seahorse is among one of species threatened by Ocean Acidification

      Ocean Acidification

      The ocean is the most important part of humanity’s life support system. Oceans regulate climate, atmospheric and ocean chemistry, carbon, food supply and oxygen. Without the ocean, the evolution of life on Earth would not have begun 3.5 billion years ago.

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    • Underwater still footage from Rob Stewart`s first documentary Sharkwater


      Fish are the first vertebrates on Earth and evolved into the diverse array of vertebrates you see today. Look back in your family tree, about 530 billion years ago, and there will be a prehistoric fish. Jawless fishes filled oceans, lakes and waterways 490 million years ago kickstarting vertebrate evolution…

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    • Fire is used as a tool to clear forested land for agriculture, mining, roads, homes and other uses

      Save the Humans

      In the next hundred years, we face a problem so large it threatens our species as well as every other. The battle ahead is the largest ever waged by humanity, against the greatest of adversaries – us. Biologists predict that we’re now in the midst of the sixth mass extinction. In this case, we as a species are to blame and…

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    • There is no other planet like the Earth

      Climate Change

      There’s no other planet like it. We’ve only got one. Other planets in our solar system have weather, ice and atmosphere, but the earth’s unique mixture of water and life make it one of a kind.

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    • Shifaka, Madagascar. Lemurs are primitive primates, and exist only in Madagascar, where their isolation has kept them from being out-competed by other prmiates like monkeys!


      Trees are a vital organ of our planet and our survival. Our forests control climate, cycle water, protect soil, store carbon, supply medicine and most importantly produce more than 40 percent of the world’s oxygen. Currently, trees cover approximately 31 percent of the earth. They are home to up to 90…

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