Classroom Activities
These follow-up questions and activities are designed to extend learning and deepen understanding of the film and its themes. They relate to several curriculum expectations, especially in life sciences and citizenship, and provide opportunities for cross-curricular connections in geography, social studies, civics, health, language, the arts, media and environmental studies. Students are called on to use a variety of skills, including: research, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, map and document analysis. Some activities are more appropriate than others for younger students, but may be adapted to suit most grade levels.
Response to the Film
Give students time to process their thoughts and feelings about the documentary by asking questions from the list below as part of a class discussion:
- Choose one word to describe your reaction to the film. (Determine the most common responses and discuss.)
- What image will stay with you? Why?
- How would you describe this film to a friend who has not seen it
- What do you think is the main message of the film? What techniques did the filmmaker use to convey the message? Do you think he achieved his goal?
- Were you surprised by anything in the film? Were there any points you disagreed with?
- Were all voices heard on the issues? Is any perspective missing?
- What did you learn that you did not know before? What would you like to know more about?
- What do you see as the biggest problem to overcome to make positive change? (Re-visit the responses to Pre-viewing Questions #1 and #6 and compare.)
- What advantages or disadvantages do you think your generation has over previous ones to tackle global problems?
- Has the film influenced your thinking or your willingness to take action for the environment? What actions, if any, are you ready to commit to?
Ask students to respond to the documentary using one of the following approaches:
- Write or record a review of the film.
- Create a piece of artwork. (You may want to use images from the Revolution photo gallery.
- Choose a piece of music that best communicates your feelings. Write a paragraph to explain your choice.
- Develop and implement a social media campaign to spread the word about the film. Come up with an effective “tweet” to get the message across.
- Design a public service announcement (PSA) about Revolution and the need to “save the humans.” Students could also post on a social network and study the results.
It’s no longer about saving the oceans,it’s about saving ourselves.