• Pre-Viewing

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    Classroom Activities

    Several themes in the documentary have broad implications for students and their collective future. Spend some time to set the stage and prepare the class before viewing. You may want to begin by determining how much students already know about the film and its subject matter.

    The following discussion starters may be adapted for different grade levels or learning styles.

    1. Survey the class to find out what students consider as the greatest challenges, facing facing the world right now. (Poverty, world hunger, racism, war, climate change…) Ask students to defend their choices. Take a vote to determine the most urgent issue to resolve.
    2. Give the class time to look at the Revolution poster or view the Home page of the website. Observe, reflect, question.
      1. How does the imagery make you feel? Look at the details in the picture. What do you imagine the film is about?
      2. What do you notice about the title? (The first letter is a different colour from the rest.)
      3. Why do you think that choice was made? (Explore the relationship between “evolution” and “revolution” as a lead-in to the subject of the film.)
    3. See the movie trailer.
      1. Was there a standout moment or image for you in the video? What were your thoughts/ feelings about it? Did anything surprise you?
      2. Much of the video takes place underwater. What does the ocean have to do with what happens on land? (Oceans cover two-thirds of the planet; home to 80% of life on Earth; it is believed that life evolved in the oceans; oceans absorb about one-quarter of carbon dioxide emissions…)
    4. Have students read the film synopsis.
      1. Highlight the words that grab your attention.
      2. Find examples of persuasive language used to promote interest in the film.
      3. The synopsis refers to “revolutions of the past and how we’ve evolved and changed our course in times of necessity.” Give examples. (Civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights, antiapartheid, anti-smoking, Arab Spring…)
      4. If people were informed about what was really going on, they would fight for their future…” Do you think people always act on what they know? Explain.
    5. Read the director’s bio and/or view this video short about his previous film, Sharkwater.
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